Friday, June 01, 2007

the shock of physical unbalance

I spent the morning delighted that once again, despite all the circumstances evidently against me, I managed to wake up and maintain a fairly good demeanor. Since I quit smoking, this has been difficult, but finally I felt like I was not only back to the superficially optimistic happy go lucky state I enjoy, I was actually happy to be alert and functional.

Even customers made note of the improvement in my mood, and my least favorite customer's early arrival could not even bring me down.

around eleven however, a tingle began, up where the teeth meet the jaw, and it quickly escalated into a throbbing that felt like each of my teeth were being tugged out of their sockets. At first I assumed my rush to leave the apartment without brushing was the culprit, but then the ache expanded outward to my cheekbones and along the bridge of my nose and out around my eye sockets.

for about ten minutes, the pain was so unbearable I couldn't speak, tears came into my eyes, and I let them stream down my face.

It's been a while since I had a migraine. The last one was not too long ago, and I remember that my vision was riddled with psychedellic spots--which did not appear today--but it also completely turned my day upside down; it commands your every move, usually a desperate: you must sleep now.

so I went home and took a nap and now the migraine has become a headache, but the toothy pain is still there, and I will try to remember that sometimes my body and my mind don't get along.

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